THE BRAIN - A Guide To Making Decisions In Labour

Has anyone ever tried asking you an important question while you are bent over in pain trying to poop on the loo? Not easy, eh? (And if you haven’t, consider yourself very much blessed!)

During our labour and birth, we may find there will be options presented to us that require us to make a choice. This choice belongs to us as the parent giving birth, and it's important that we feel empowered in it. However, much like being asked a question while trying to poop, being disturbed and required to use our rational brain during labour is not easy…

There are quite a few considerations that can help us stay focussed and empowered during birth, such as communicated values, or a supportive birth partner to advocate for you. For now, let’s look at how we can use a tool called ‘THE BRAIN’ to think about our choices and make informed decisions with minimal disruption and maximum empowerment. We can journey through this acronym when coming to a decision we feel good about.

The choices we make will impact our birth. How empowered we are in making choices will impact how we feel about our experience going forward. To medical professionals, their primary focus is your physical health and safety in that moment. Yet, you will be the one who will walk out of your birth experience and live with it for the rest of your life. Your health and safety goes beyond just physical. We are more than just a body to love, care for and keep safe. We are bodies with minds, spirits/beliefs, relationships, occupations, finances, wants, needs, values, and practical considerations, all with a tiny little human to nurture. Our choices matter. Feeling loved, cared for a safe while making decisions matter.

T - Time

Are we able to have some time to think about this decision or is this an emergency?

This consideration is first because in the rare case of an emergency which requires immediate action, we may not have time to consider all the other parts of THE BRAIN. In most cases though, we do.

H - Heard

Have my individual wants, needs and valued been heard?

You are more than just a body experiencing the physical affects of the choices you make. You are more than just a patient on just another monday at the office. You are a person with thoughts, feelings, and a whole life that will go beyond this day. Do you feel heard or do you feel coerced? You need to feel empowered, loved, cared for and safe in your decision making.

E - Evidence

What does the best evidence available say?

Making informed choice does not simply mean only taking on board what the doctor/midwife is telling you. It means knowing where to find unbiased high quality evidence that will give you all the information to make an informed decision. it means being able to request the information behind proposed choices and recognising when the choices are not necessary or conducive. There are some amazing resources who aim to help parents do this. One of my favourites is Evidence-Based Birth!

B - Benefits

What benefits are there to accepting this?

Now, think about how the choice proposed to you will benefit you/your baby. We aren’t just talking about the physical outcomes. Consider your holistic wants, needs and values. Consider your baby. How will this choice benefit?

R - Risks

What risks are there to accept this? What will the repercussions be?

Again, think about how the choice proposed to you will potentially harm you/your baby and how likely is this? 

A - Alternatives

What alternatives are there?

This is a question where it is really helpful to have learned your rights during birth. We can often be told we can and can’t do certain things, but you do have legal rights. Hospital policy is there to guide and protect physicians and patients, but it is not law. Be informed and ask for all alternatives.

I - Intuition

What does my gut say?

How you innately feel is powerful. Sometimes, we may not have all the answers but something within us is trying to tell us something. Sometimes, our own body is trying to communicate something unknown to us. Don’t be afraid to listen to that voice within you.

N - Nothing

What happens if we do nothing?

Some choices aren’t necessary to make, and making them may not have any benefit to you. Sometimes, doing nothing might be the right thing. Sometimes, doing nothing may cause more harm than good.


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