About Kezia

Antenatal Training UK Qualification
Nurturing Birth Doula Logo
Antenatal Training UK Breastfeeding Peer Supporter Qualification

I am a Christian Birth and Postpartum Doula and Educator.

Since the beginning of my memory, I have always been fascinated by pregnancy, birth and motherhood. My dream job was a midwife, but after getting ever-so-slightly distracted by a teen heartbreak, I didn’t get the grades needed to go into study midwifery.

Since then, I have graduated in Theology, Ministry and Mission and worked a variety of supportive roles as a Support Worker, Assistant, Nanny, Community Project Coordinator, and Coach - none allowing me to discuss my favourite topics such as pregnancy piles and leaky breasts without risk of getting fired!

After a difficult birth and postpartum recovery in 2021, my lifelong love for pregnancy, birth & postpartum transformed into an active mission to support parents-to-be in their journey into parenthood holistically, providing support, resources and community for others to walk this journey with Jesus.

Following this, I have invested every spare penny and moment where I wasn’t running after my sweet toddler or desperately trying to fit in a shower, pouring herself into this work.

I love to find joy and humour everywhere, helping others feel comfortable in vulnerability and love people from all walks of life. I am a no-sugarcoating, laugh-at-the-mess person who does my best to give space to others to be however they need to be and say whatever they need to say.

Manna Birth was born during a difficult night in the early baby days. I was exhausted, and lonely and needed some nourishment while I cared for my baby. As a Christian, I prayed that I would be nourished and provided for in what felt like a journey in the wilderness. From that moment, I felt my prayer begin to be answered. And so, the call and journey to provide the same answer to many other’s prayers began.

I received my Doula training with Nurturing Birth in 2022. I received my Diploma in Antenatal Education & Breastfeeding Peer Supporter certificate with Antenatal Training International straight after. I am mentored & coached with Nurturing Birth and Doula UK, and continue my personal development with additional training designed to better my care and reflective practices, such as, ‘How To Safely Support Traumatised Parents In Your Care’ by TBR College of Perinatal Emotional Health.

Why Choose Me?

As your Doula, my priority is you. I take my time to not just hear what you want for your birth and postpartum journey, but to understand your hopes, fears, needs and values so that I can deeply care for you and help you adapt. My prayer every day is to love like Jesus and know how loved I am by Jesus so that those whose paths cross with mine will know His compassion for them and walk pregnancy, birth and postpartum free from fear.

Due to caring for my own little boy, I don’t currently offer birth support.

However, I do provide the most valuable space for you.

Space to express your hopes, fears and needs. To prayerfully support you to gain confidence in yourself, empowering you as the amazing mum you already are in caring for your baby and yourself.

I supply you with all the evidence-based, unbiased information you need to make informed choices. I strengthen you to advocate for yourself and birth your baby without fear of having the final say, especially within an NHS maternity crisis of safety and care for mothers and babies.

There’s no doubt that birth and postpartum are some of the most challenging and unpredictable experiences. You deserve the best chance of a positive, empowering experience no matter what happens!

I am currently working on releasing a Christian Birth & Postpartum Course - so watch this space!

Hiring a doula is not a guarantee for birth to go any certain way. However, evidence shows many benefits to having one…

Benefits of hiring a Doula

  • Reduced risk of Caesarean birth † *.

  • Reduced risk of instrumental birth † *.

  • Reduced need for painkillers or epidural during birth † *.

  • Reduced rate of induction of labour † *.

  • Shorter labour †.

  • Increased parental satisfaction with the birth experience. †

  • Increased likelihood of initiating breastfeeding *.

  • Increased likelihood of successfully establishing breastfeeding & breastfeeding at 6 weeks *.

  • Lower incidence of depressive symptomatology †.

  • Improve equity and provide culturally responsive care #

    (References below - taken from Doula.org.uk)

My Manifesto

I am a doula and educator dedicated to holistically equipping, embracing, and empowering parents-to-be. I believe that birth is more than just how a new baby enters this world; it's a rebirth of life as we know it.

Most people say you can't ever fully prepare for having a baby, but I know there is so much more to be done.

I believe in emboldened births and joyful postpartum experiences for both parents. I am dedicated to strengthening relationships and building supportive connections. I believe in nurturing mindsets and preventing avoidable trauma, and committed to creating peaceful homes through practical, holistic preparation.

I believe in equipping families with the tools to confidently face the challenges that arise; embracing them as they are with no-judgement or exclusion, and empowering them to make informed choices that are right for them.

Our Values

Love. I believe everyone is worthy of love. In pregnancy, birth and postpartum, love is the key scientific component to helping us labour, bond, heal and nurture - we know it as Oxytocin! I believe in loving everyone and the importance that parents know this to their core.

Care. I believe that everyone has needs that need to be met. I believe in empowering parents to recognise and communicate these needs so that those around them can meet them.

Safety. I believe that everyone should feel and be safe. We believe informed consent, adovacy, and in creating, holding and protecting space for parents to be as they are and need to be.

The name ‘Manna' comes from a story found in the bible where God provides nourishment for His people during their journey in the wilderness. The journey into parenthood can sometimes feel a bit like a wilderness. This time is brimming with love, joy, laughter and wonder. Yet, the lack of good support and education which doesn’t candidly address the whole of our being finds the opposites repeatedly true. We all need compassionate, all-encompassing nourishment.

In the work I do in Manna Birth, I want expectant parents to not just survive on minimal information, but thrive on maximum education, support and community.

Although I aim my services at new parents, you are more than welcome and wanted as a second, third or twenty-time parent! Whatever birth experiences you have had, positive or traumatic, I want to support you in accessing support and empower you to have a better experience next time around.

Why learn with Me?

Choosing to do any birth and post-partum education course will teach you the expectations of labour, birth and basic newborn care. I take an approach that puts you in the drivers seat and gives you space to find your own way together with fun and connection. Rather than just teaching you what will help you, I also coach you to empower your own learning and empower you.

My private antenatal courses will teach you:

  • Birth Physiology, how to thrive in birth and confidently navigate your informed choices, changes & challenges.

  • Keeping healthy as a whole person

  • How to adjust and nurture your relationship(s) after two become three

  • Newborn care and gaining confidence as parents

  • Coping strategies and remaining grounded, calm and motivated.

  • How your partner can flourish in their role during birth and postpartum

  • When and where to seek help and support

  • Any many more…

Course coming soon…


References linked to information found at: https://doula.org.uk/research/

*Brigstocke S. MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, vol 24, no 2, 2014, pp 157-160

#Meghan A Bohren and Sarah Chapman Cochrane review
† Hodnett ED, Gates S, Hofmeyr G, Sakala C. Continuous support for women during childbirth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD003766. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003766.pub5 and Bohren MA, Hofmeyr GJ, Sakala C, Fukuzawa RK, Cuthbert A. Continuous support for women during childbirth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD003766. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003766.pub6